Opinion: What Went Wrong With Figure Skating

 Opinion: What Went Wrong With Figure Skating



Nowhere are foxes put in charge of the henhouse—nowhere, that is, except in skating. For more than a decade, the International Skating Union (ISU) has been presiding over the decline of figure skating: television ratings, television coverage and overall popularity are all down. How does the ISU respond? For almost 40 years, it has been run by speed skaters. The current president frankly admits, “I am a speed skater. I know nothing about figure skating.”He can’t even whistle as the ship sinks.

Indignation has erupted at the Winter Olympic Games that just concluded in Sochi. Many found it unbelievable: Adelina Sotnikova, a 17-year-old with athletic ability but questionable artistry, took the gold over the South Korean Olympic champion of 2010, a skating icon. The Korean Olympic Committee and the Korean Skating Union filed a joint complaint with the ISU decision, already clouded by the fact that one of the judges had previously been suspended for trying to fix an event in 1998, and another was the wife of the president of the Russian Figure Skating Federation. An online protest petition has garnered almost 2 million signatures.

But whatever the merits of the dispute, the issue should not be limited to this one event. The question is bigger! What we need to ask is: Why are speed skaters running the world of figure skating?

Speed skating is a sport judged by metrics; figure skating is judged by both metrics and subjective judgment. You can’t have artistry without technique, but neither can you have technique without artistry. The judging system for figure skating needed to be changed; no one is arguing otherwise. But the system imposed in 2004 by the speed skater in charge of the ISU—in hopes of preventing scandals like those at the 1998, and particularly the 2002, Games in Salt Lake City or at the 2013 World Championships at London, Ontario—has only made the problems crystal clear. Giving points for technique but slighting artistry is turning the sport into a monotonous series of cookie-cutter routines. But when a judging system rewards a fall over creativity and flair, what else do you expect? And with the identity of the judges and their scores kept secret, where is the accountability?

Meanwhile, the fox guards the henhouse.

It is time for figure skaters to take back their sport. It is time for the ISU to split into separate federations, one for speed skaters, one for figure skaters. It’s going to take a fight. Figure skating still is what brings in the money. Speed skaters get the cash but care little about the rules for figure skating. They happily support Ottavio Cinquanta, the foxy force behind the disastrous changes in judging—both the system and the secret selection of judges—and even went along with his violation of the ISU constitution and gave him an extra, and illegal, two more years in office. At a time when new thinking and new leadership are most needed, speed skaters continue to vote their interests, not those of figure skating.

It will take a fight. But the events at Sochi have shown that the skating public is getting more and more outraged. The current World Championships in Japan won’t even be televised live in prime time by a network! This has to stop. The ISU needs to change: It should return respect to judges, stop rewarding failure, educate more judges, create real and effective controls and return figure skating to popularity. And we can find allies in associations from Australia, Japan, South Korea and (hopefully) others. Figure skaters of the world, The opportunity is now. Take back your sport. Get the foxes out of the henhouse.

고양이한테 생선을 맡기는 곳은 어디에도 없다. 아니다. 한 군데가 있다. 바로, 피겨. 10년이 넘게 ISU는 피겨의 하염없는 추락의 원인이 되어 왔다. 시청률, 방송사, 대중의 인기 모든 면에서. ISU는 이에 어떻게 대처하고 있나? 40년간 스피드 선수 출신들이 ISU를 장악해왔다. 現 회장은 아예 대놓고 “난 스피드 출신이라 피겨에 대해 아는 게 없다”라고 인정한다. 그 양반은 심지어 배가 가라앉는 와중에도 아무런 신호조차 보내지 않는다.

얼마 전 올림픽에서 그 분노가 폭발했다. 많은 이들이 운동 능력은 있지만 예술성은 전무한 17살의 소트니코바가 2010년 챔피언이자 피겨의 아이콘인 김연아를 이기고 금메달을 목에 건 모습을 보고 믿을 수 없다는 반응을 보였다. KOC와 대한빙상연맹은 ISU의 판정에 대해 항의를 제기했다. 이 근거는 심판들 중 1명은 이미 1998년에 조작 혐의를 받은 바 있고, 다른 1명은 러시아빙상연맹 회장 前부인이기도 하다. 온라인 항의 청원이 2백만명을 모으기도 했다.

그러나, 이러한 논쟁의 결과가 어디로 흐르던지 간에 이 문제는 이번 경우에만 국한되어서는 안 되고 더 넓은 범위로 확대되어야 한다. 우리가 밝혀야 할 것은 어째서 스피드 출신들이 피겨를 좌지우지하느냐이다.

스피드는 순전히 기록 경기이다. 반면에 피겨는 기록과 주관적인 판단이 합쳐진 종목이다. 기술없이 예술이 존재할 수 없고 반대로 예술없이 기술이 존재할 수도 없다. 피겨 판정은 바뀌어야 한다. 한데, 어느 누구도 다른 것을 논쟁하지 않는다. 그러나, ISU를 차지하고 있는 스피드 출신 현 회장이 2004년에 만든 현 판정 시스템은 1998, 2002 와 최근의 캐나다 런던 2013 월드와 같은 논란을 방지하기 위해 만들었다고 하지만 모든 문제를 아주 명료하게 만들었다. 즉, 기술점만 생각하고 예술점은 무시하는 현 시스템은 피겨를 아주 단조로운 틀로 찍어내는 진부한 종목으로 만들어 버렸다. 판정이 독창성과 세련됨을 무시하고 넘어지는 것에만 집중하면 다른 건 뭘 기대할 수 있겠나? 심판들의 익명성이 유지된다면, 점수와 결과에 대한 책임은 누가 지나?

이는 고양이에 생선을 맡긴 꼴이다.

이젠, 피겨 출신들이 우리 종목을 되돌려놓을 시간이다. ISU가 피겨, 스피드로 분리되어야 할 시간이라는 소리다. 들고 일어나 싸워야 한다. 피겨는 아직도 흥행 종목이다. 스피드 출신들은 지네들 배만 불리지 피겨 룰에 대해선 아무런 생각도 관심도 없다. 이들은 그저 시스템과 심판 익명성이라는 양대 재앙을 만들어낸 Cinquanta만 열심히 밀어주고 있다. 이 양반은 심지어 ISU 헌장을 위반하면서 2년이란 기간 동안 더 그 자리에 앉아 있다. 새로운 사고와 새로운 리더쉽이 가장 필요하게 된 지금, 스피드 출신들은 피겨는 방치한 채 지네들의 이익만 위해서 계속 지지표를 던질 것이다.

싸워야 한다. 소치 사건은 대중들의 분노가 더욱 늘어만 간다는 것을 보여줬다. 지금 열리고 있는 월드는 심지어 황금 시간에 티비로 방송조차 되지 않는다. 이러한 상황을 멈추게 해야 한다. ISU는 바뀌어야 한다. 심판을 존중하고, 잘못에 대한 보상을 금지하며, 심판을 교육하고, 실질적이고 효율적인 컨트롤 타워를 만들며, 피겨를 다시 인기 종목으로 돌려놓아야 한다. 이를 위해 우리는 Australia, Japan, South Korea와 바라건대 다른 국가들과 합세하여 연합해야 한다. 전세계의 피겨인들이여, 바로 지금이 기회이다. 우리 종목을 되돌려놓자. 고양이한테서 생선을 뺏어와야 한다.


Requesting the resignation of Ottavio Cinquanta from the presidency of the International Skating Union

Requesting the resignation of Ottavio Cinquanta from the presidency of the International Skating Union




Sponsored By:

Tim Wood, world champion and Olympic silver medalist

Bill Fauver, five-time U.S. pairs silver medalist

Tim Gerber,  ice skating technical specialist

Monica Friedlander, journalist

with Dick Button


We, the undersigned, respectfully request that Ottavio Cinquanta resign from his post as president of the International Skating Union (ISU) in light of the severe damage he is inflicting on the sport of figure skating.

During his tenure as head of the ISU, Mr. Cinquanta has presided over the most dramatic decline in the popularity of figure in the sport’s history. It is time for him to resign. Here are some of the reasons for this request:


•  According to the ISU’s own constitution, Cinquanta’s term was supposed to end in June of this year due to an age requirement that would have made him ineligible for reelection. The extension of his term, which he requested and obtained last year, is unprecedented and undemocratic. 


•  Mr. Cinquanta is a speed skater who, by his own admission, does not understand figure skating, and in fact shows no appreciation for its artistic side. Nevertheless, he has made radical changes to the sport that have profoundly changed figure skating for the worse, increased corruption in judging, and dramatically reduced the sport’s popularity.


•  Mr. Cinquanta wants figure skating to be less artistic and more technical and quantifiable, snubbing the very qualities that made figure skating unique and popular: its unique mix of athleticism and artistry. Figure skating has no purpose or audience without its two facets coexisting side by side.


•  One of Mr. Cinquanta's most notorious changes was the introduction of anonymous judging, which encourages fraud and eliminates accountability. Mr. Cinquanta undertook this action in response to the 2002 Olympic pair skating scandal, which he used as a pretext to overturn the century-old judging system with one in which cheating takes place more often than ever before. Moreoever, the scoring is so convoluted as to not be understood or challenged.


•  The new system has resulted in more political and reputation-based judging than ever before, with skaters being held up, resulting in scandal after scandal. The worst judging scandal occurred at this year’s Olympic Games in Sochi, Russia, where the results of the ladies' competition and composition of the judging panel have been the subject of great controversy. So far Mr. Cinquanta has chosen to overlook not only a petition signed by two million people requesting an inquiry into this matter, but also an official protest from the South Korean Olympic and skating federations. The protest had been covered in the world press, yet Mr. Cinquanta stated in an interview with the Chicago Tribune that he had not even heard about it. That statement alone is a slap in the face of the sport over which he presides.


•  On March 25 of this year, Mr. Cinquanta sent a letter to the ISU representatives in which he proposed yet another series of radical and irrational changes. Most notable among these is his request to abolish the popular short program from figure skating competition. If this proposal were to pass, it would destroy a beloved half-century-old tradition that never caused any controversy and would devastate the sport both financially and in terms of its appeal to fans. At the same time, he wants to retain the most egregious change he implemented: anonymous judging.


As long as Mr. Cinquanta remains in office, figure skating remains mired in incompetence and corruption. Fans are deserting the sport in droves, competitions are often held in near-empty arenas, most shows have folded, TV ratings crashed, the once-thriving professional scene has disappeared, and the sport fails to produce stars to inspire the young and attract fans.  In short the financial viability of the sport is at severe risk.

For the love of figure skating, Mr. Cinquanta needs to resign and allow figure skating to be led by an expert in this sport. After so many years of failure, Mr. Cinquanta needs to finally help the sport — by leaving it.